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utl.c - Utilities.
Copyright © 1988, 1989, 1990 Northwestern University. Permission is granted
to use this code in your own projects, provided you give credit to both
John Norstad and Northwestern University in your about box or document.
This module exports miscellaneous reusable utility routines.
#include <string.h>
#include <color.h>
#include "utl.h"
#define nil 0
#define _Unimplemented 0xA89F
#define _PopUpMenuSelect 0xA80B
#define _WaitNextEvent 0xA860
Global Variables.
static SysEnvRec TheWorld; /* system environment record */
static Boolean GotSysEnviron = false;
/* true if sys environ has been
gotten */
static CursHandle *CursArray; /* ptr to array of cursor handles */
static short NumCurs; /* number of cursors to rotate */
static short TickInterval; /* number of ticks between rotations */
static short CurCurs; /* index of current cursor */
static short LastTick; /* tick count at loast rotation */
static ModalFilterProcPtr Filter; /* dialog filter proc */
static short CancelItem; /* item number of cancel button */
GetSysEnvirons - Get System Environment.
Exit: global variable TheWorld = system environment record.
global variable GotSysEnviron = true.
static void GetSysEnvirons (void)
if (!GotSysEnviron) {
(void) SysEnvirons(curSysEnvVers, &TheWorld);
GotSysEnviron = true;
utl_AppendDITL - Append DITL to End of Dialog.
Entry: theDialog = pointer to dialog.
theDITLID = rsrc id of DITL.
Exit: function result = item number of first appended item.
The dialog window is expanded to accomodate the new items, and the
new items are offset to appear at the bottom of the dialog.
This routine is particularly useful for appending items to the
standard Page Setup and Print Job dialogs. (See TN 95). It was
written by Lew Rollins of Apple's Human-Systems Interface Group,
in MPW Pascal. I translated it to MPW C.
The only significant difference between this routine and Rollin's
version is that this version does not release the DITL resource.
short utl_AppendDITL (DialogPtr theDialog, short theDITLID)
typedef struct DITLItem {
Handle itmHndl; /* handle or proc ptr */
Rect itmRect; /* display rect */
char itmType; /* item type */
unsigned char itmData; /* item data length byte */
} DITLItem;
typedef struct itemList {
short dlgMaxIndex; /* num items - 1 */
DITLItem DITLItems[1]; /* array of DITL items */
} itemList;
short offset; /* item offset */
Rect maxRect; /* max dialog rect size so far */
Handle hDITL; /* handle to DITL */
DITLItem *pItem; /* pointer to item being appended */
itemList **hItems; /* handle to DLOG's item list */
short sizeDITL; /* size of DLOG's item list */
short firstItem; /* item num of first appended item */
short newItems; /* number of new items */
short dataSize; /* size of data for current item */
short i; /* loop index */
/* Initialize. */
maxRect = theDialog->portRect;
offset = maxRect.bottom;
maxRect.bottom -= 5;
maxRect.right -= 5;
hItems = (itemList**)(((DialogPeek)theDialog)->items);
sizeDITL = GetHandleSize((Handle)hItems);
firstItem = (**hItems).dlgMaxIndex + 2;
hDITL = GetResource('DITL', theDITLID);
newItems = **(short**)hDITL + 1;
PtrAndHand(*hDITL+2, (Handle)hItems,
(**hItems).dlgMaxIndex += newItems;
pItem = (DITLItem *)((char*)(*hItems) + sizeDITL);
/* Main loop. Add each item to dialog item list. */
for (i = 1; i <= newItems; i++) {
OffsetRect(&pItem->itmRect, 0, offset);
UnionRect(&pItem->itmRect, &maxRect, &maxRect);
switch (pItem->itmType & 0x7f) {
case ctrlItem+btnCtrl:
case ctrlItem+chkCtrl:
case ctrlItem+radCtrl:
pItem->itmHndl = (Handle)NewControl(theDialog,
&pItem->itmRect, &pItem->itmData, true, 0, 0, 1,
pItem->itmType & 0x03, 0);
case ctrlItem+resCtrl:
pItem->itmHndl = (Handle)GetNewControl(
(**((ControlHandle)(pItem->itmHndl))).contrlRect =
case statText:
case editText:
PtrToHand(&pItem->itmData+1, (Handle *)&(pItem->itmHndl),
case iconItem:
pItem->itmHndl = GetIcon(*(short*)(&pItem->itmData+1));
pItem->itmHndl = nil;
dataSize = (pItem->itmData + 1) & 0xfffe;
pItem = (DITLItem *)((char*)pItem + dataSize + sizeof(DITLItem));
/* Finish up. */
maxRect.bottom += 5;
maxRect.right += 5;
SizeWindow(theDialog, maxRect.right, maxRect.bottom, true);
return firstItem;
utl_CenterDlogRect - Center a dialog rectangle.
Entry: rect = rectangle.
centerMain = true to center on main (menu bar) screen.
centerMain = false to center on the screen containing
the maximum intersection with the frontmost window.
Exit: rect = rectangle offset so that it is centered on
the specified screen, with twice as much space below
the rect as above.
See HIN 6.
void utl_CenterDlogRect (Rect *rect, Boolean centerMain)
Rect screenRect; /* screen rectangle */
short mBHeight; /* menu bar height */
GDHandle gd; /* gdevice */
Rect windRect; /* window rectangle */
Boolean hasMB; /* true if screen contains menu bar */
mBHeight = utl_GetMBarHeight();
if (centerMain) {
screenRect = screenBits.bounds;
} else {
utl_GetWindGD(FrontWindow(), &gd, &screenRect, &windRect, &hasMB);
if (!hasMB) mBHeight = 0;
(screenRect.right + screenRect.left - rect->right - rect->left) >> 1,
(screenRect.bottom + ((screenRect.top + mBHeight - rect->top)<<1) -
rect->bottom + 7) / 3);
utl_CenterRect - Center a rectangle on the main screen.
Entry: rect = rectangle.
Exit: rect = rectangle offset so that it is centered on
the main screen.
void utl_CenterRect (Rect *rect)
Rect screenRect; /* main screen rectangle */
short mBHeight; /* menu bar height */
mBHeight = utl_GetMBarHeight();
screenRect = screenBits.bounds;
(screenRect.right + screenRect.left - rect->right - rect->left) >> 1,
(screenRect.bottom - screenRect.top + mBHeight -
rect->bottom - rect->top) >> 1);
utl_CheckPack - Check to see if a package exists.
Entry: packNum = package number.
preload = true to preload package.
Exit: function result = true if package exists.
Boolean utl_CheckPack (short packNum, Boolean preload)
short trapNum; /* trap number */
Handle h; /* handle to PACK resource */
/* Check to make sure the trap exists, by comparing its trap address to
the trap address of the unimplemented trap. */
trapNum = packNum + 0x1e7;
if (NGetTrapAddress(trapNum & 0x3ff, ToolTrap) ==
NGetTrapAddress(_Unimplemented & 0x3ff, ToolTrap)) return false;
/* Check to make sure the package exists on the System file or in
ROM. If it's not in ROM make it nonpurgeable, if requested. */
if (preload) {
if (utl_Rom64()) {
h = GetResource('PACK', packNum);
if (!h) return false;
} else {
RomMapInsert = 0xFF00;
h = GetResource('PACK', packNum);
if (!h) return false;
if ((*(unsigned long*)h & 0x00FFFFFF) <
(long)ROMBase) {
h = GetResource('PACK', packNum);
return true;
} else {
if (!utl_Rom64()) RomMapInsert = 0xFF00;
h = GetResource('PACK', packNum);
if (h) return true; else return false;
utl_CopyPString - Copy Pascal String.
Entry: dest = destination string.
source = source string.
void utl_CopyPString (Str255 *dest, Str255 *source)
memcpy(dest, source, (*source)[0]+1);
utl_CouldDrag - Determine if a window could be dragged to a location.
Entry: windRect = window rectangle, in global coords.
offset = pixel offset used in DragRect calls.
Exit: function result = true if the window could have been
dragged to the specified position.
This routine is used when restoring windows to saved positions. According
to HIN 6, we must check to see if the window "could have been dragged to
the saved position."
The "offset" parameter is usually 4. When initializing the boundary rectangle
for DragWindow calls, normally the boundary rectangle of the desktop gray
region is inset by 4 pixels. If some value other than 4 is used, it should
be passed to CouldDrag as the "offset" parameter.
The algorithm used is the following: The routine computes the four squares
at the corners of the title bar. "true" is returned if and only if at least one
of these four squares is completely contained within the desktop gray region.
Three pixels are added to the offset to err on the side of requiring a larger
portion of the drag bar to be visible.
Boolean utl_CouldDrag (Rect *windRect, short offset)
RgnHandle rgn; /* scratch region handle */
Boolean could; /* function result */
short corner; /* which corner */
Rect r; /* corner rectangle */
rgn = NewRgn();
could = false;
offset += 3;
for (corner = 1; corner <= 4; corner++) {
switch (corner) {
case 1:
r.top = windRect->top - titleBarHeight;
r.left = windRect->left;
case 2:
r.top = windRect->top - offset;
r.left = windRect->left;
case 3:
r.top = windRect->top - titleBarHeight;
r.left = windRect->right - offset;
case 4:
r.top = windRect->top - offset;
r.left = windRect->right - offset;
r.bottom = r.top + offset;
r.right = r.left + offset;
RectRgn(rgn, &r);
DiffRgn(rgn, GrayRgn, rgn);
if (EmptyRgn(rgn)) {
could = true;
return could;
utl_DILoad - Load Disk Initialization Package.
Exit: Disk initialization package loaded.
This routine is identical to the DILoad routine (see IM II-396),
except that it closes any resource files opened by the routine. This is
necessary to undo a bug in the DaynaFile software. DaynaFile patches
DILoad. The patch opens a resource file without closing it. The
effect on Disinfectant if we don't do anything about this is that
the DaynaFile icon is displayed in Disinfectant's main window instead of
Disinfectant's icon.
void utl_DILoad (void)
short curResFile; /* ref num of current resource file
before calling DILoad */
short topResFile; /* ref num of top resource file
after calling DILoad */
curResFile = CurResFile();
while ((topResFile = CurResFile()) != curResFile) CloseResFile(topResFile);
utl_DoDiskInsert - Handle a disk inserted event.
Entry: message = message field from disk insertion event record
= 16/MountVol return code, 16/drive number.
Exit: vRefNum = vol ref num of inserted volume.
function result = error code.
If MountVol returned an error code, the disk initialization package
is called to initialize the disk.
OSErr utl_DoDiskInsert (long message, short *vRefNum)
OSErr rCode; /* result code */
short driveNum; /* drive number */
HParamBlockRec pBlock; /* vol info param block */
Handle dlgHandle; /* handle to disk init dialog */
Rect dlgRect; /* disk init dialog rectangle */
Point where; /* location of disk init dialog */
short curVol; /* index in VCB queue */
/* Get result code and drive number from event message. */
rCode = (message >> 16) & 0xffff;
driveNum = message & 0xffff;
/* If the result code indicates an error, call DIBadMount to initialize
the disk. */
if (rCode) {
/* Center the disk initialization package dialog. */
dlgHandle = GetResource('DLOG', -6047);
dlgRect = **(Rect**)dlgHandle;
utl_CenterDlogRect(&dlgRect, false);
SetPt(&where, dlgRect.left, dlgRect.top);
/* Call DIBadMount. */
if (rCode = DIBadMount(where, message)) return rCode;
/* Search mounted volumes to find inserted one. */
pBlock.volumeParam.ioNamePtr = nil;
curVol = 0;
while (true) {
pBlock.volumeParam.ioVolIndex = ++curVol;
pBlock.volumeParam.ioVRefNum = 0;
if (rCode = PBHGetVInfo(&pBlock, false)) return rCode;
if (pBlock.volumeParam.ioVDrvInfo == driveNum) break;
*vRefNum = pBlock.volumeParam.ioVRefNum;
return noErr;
utl_DrawGrowIcon - Draw Grow Icon.
Entry: theWindow = pointer to window.
This routine is identical to the Window Manager routine
DrawGrowIcon, except that it does not draw the lines enclosing the
scroll bars.
void utl_DrawGrowIcon (WindowPtr theWindow)
RgnHandle clipRgn; /* saved clip region */
Rect clipRect; /* clip rectangle */
clipRgn = NewRgn();
clipRect = theWindow->portRect;
clipRect.left = clipRect.right - 15;
clipRect.top = clipRect.bottom - 15;
utl_Ejectable - Test for ejectable volume.
Entry: vRefNum = volume reference number.
Exit: function result = true if volume is on an ejectable drive.
Boolean utl_Ejectable (short vRefNum)
HParamBlockRec pBlock; /* vol info param block */
short driveNum; /* driver number of cur vol */
DrvQEl *curDrive; /* ptr to current drive queue element */
OSErr rCode; /* result code */
unsigned char flagByte; /* drive queue element flag byte */
/* Get driveNum = drive number of drive containing volume. */
pBlock.volumeParam.ioNamePtr = nil;
pBlock.volumeParam.ioVolIndex = 0;
pBlock.volumeParam.ioVRefNum = vRefNum;;
if (rCode = PBHGetVInfo(&pBlock, false)) return false;
driveNum = pBlock.volumeParam.ioVDrvInfo;
/* Walk the drive queue until we find driveNum. The second byte in
the four flag bytes preceding the drive queue element is 8 or $48
if the drive is nonejectable. */
curDrive = (DrvQEl*)(GetDrvQHdr())->qHead;
while (true) {
if (curDrive->dQDrive == driveNum) {
flagByte = *((Ptr)curDrive - 3);
return (flagByte != 8 && flagByte != 0x48);
curDrive = (DrvQEl*)curDrive->qLink;
if (!curDrive) return false;
utl_FixStdFile - Fix Standard File Pacakge.
This routine should be called before calling the Standard File
package if there's any chance that SFSaveDisk might specify
a volume that has been umounted. Standard File gets confused if this
happens and presents an alert telling the user that a "system error"
has occurred.
This routine checks to make sure that SFSaveDisk specifies a volume
that is still mounted. If not, it sets it to the first mounted
volume, and it sets CurDirStore to the root directory on that volume.
void utl_FixStdFile (void)
ParamBlockRec vBlock; /* vol info param block */
vBlock.volumeParam.ioNamePtr = nil;
vBlock.volumeParam.ioVRefNum = -SFSaveDisk;
vBlock.volumeParam.ioVolIndex = 0;
if (PBGetVInfo(&vBlock, false)) {
vBlock.volumeParam.ioVolIndex = 1;
(void) PBGetVInfo(&vBlock, false);
SFSaveDisk = -vBlock.volumeParam.ioVRefNum;
if (FSFCBLen > 0) CurDirStore = fsRtDirID;
utl_FlashButton - Flash Dialog Button.
Entry: theDialog = pointer to dialog.
itemNo = item number of button to flash.
The push button is inverted for 8 ticks. See HIN #10.
void utl_FlashButton (DialogPtr theDialog, short itemNo)
short itemType; /* item type */
Handle item; /* item handle */
Rect box; /* item rectangle */
short roundFactor; /* rounded corner factor for InvertRoundRect */
long tickEnd; /* tick count to end flash */
GetDItem(theDialog, itemNo, &itemType, &item, &box);
roundFactor = (box.bottom - box.top)>>1;
InvertRoundRect(&box, roundFactor, roundFactor);
tickEnd = TickCount() + 8;
while (TickCount() < tickEnd);
InvertRoundRect(&box, roundFactor, roundFactor);
Entry: theWindow = pointer to dialog window.
itemNo = dialog item number.
Exit: dialog item rectangle framed.
This function is for use as a Dialog Manager user item procedure.
It is particularly useful for drawing rules (straight lines). Simply
define the user item rectangle with bottom=top+1 or right=left+1.
pascal void utl_FrameItem (WindowPtr theWindow, short itemNo)
short itemType; /* item type */
Handle item; /* item handle */
Rect box; /* item rectangle */
GetDItem(theWindow, itemNo, &itemType, &item, &box);
utl_GetApplVol - Get the volume reference number of the application volume.
Exit: function result = volume reference number of the volume
containing the current application.
short utl_GetApplVol (void)
short vRefNum; /* vol ref num */
GetVRefNum((CurMap), &vRefNum);
return vRefNum;
utl_GetBlessedWDRefNum - Get the working directory reference number of
the Blessed Folder.
Exit: function result = wdRefNum of blessed folder
short utl_GetBlessedWDRefNum (void)
if (!GotSysEnviron) GetSysEnvirons();
return TheWorld.sysVRefNum;
utl_GetFontNumber - Get Font Number.
Entry: fontName = font name.
Exit: function result = true if font exists.
fontNum = font number.
Copied from TN 191.
Boolean utl_GetFontNumber (Str255 *fontName, short *fontNum)
Str255 systemFontName;
GetFNum(fontName, fontNum);
if (*fontNum) {
return true;
} else {
GetFontName(0, systemFontName);
return EqualString((StringPtr)fontName, (StringPtr)&systemFontName, false, false);
utl_GetLongSleep - Get Long Sleep Time.
Exit: function result = long sleep time.
Returns the largest positive long integer (0x7fffffff) if the
system version is > 0x04ff, else returns 50. See TN 177.
long utl_GetLongSleep (void)
if (!GotSysEnviron) GetSysEnvirons();
return (TheWorld.systemVersion > 0x04ff) ? 0x7fffffff : 50;
utl_GetMBarHeight - Get Menu Bar Height
Exit: function result = menu bar height.
See TN 117.
short utl_GetMBarHeight (void)
static short mBHeight = 0;
if (!mBHeight) {
mBHeight = utl_Rom64() ? 20 : MBarHeight;
return mBHeight;
utl_GetNewControl - Get New Control.
Entry: controlID = resource id of CNTL resource.
theWindow = pointer to window record.
Exit: function result = handle to new control record.
This routine is identical to the Control Manager routine GetNewControl,
except it does not release or make purgeable the CNTL resource.
ControlHandle utl_GetNewControl (short controlID,
WindowPtr theWindow)
Rect boundsRect; /* boundary rectangle */
short value; /* initial control value */
Boolean visible; /* true if visible */
short max; /* max control value */
short min; /* min control value */
short procID; /* window proc id */
long refCon; /* refCon field for window record */
Str255 title; /* window title */
Handle theRez; /* handle to CNTL resource */
theRez = GetResource('CNTL', controlID);
boundsRect = *(Rect*)(*theRez);
value = *(short*)(*theRez+8);
visible = *(Boolean*)(*theRez+10);
max = *(short*)(*theRez+12);
min = *(short*)(*theRez+14);
procID = *(short*)(*theRez+16);
refCon = *(long*)(*theRez+18);
utl_CopyPString(&title, (Str255 *)(*theRez+22));
return NewControl(theWindow, &boundsRect, title, visible, value,
min, max, procID, refCon);
utl_GetNewDialog - Get New Dialog.
Entry: dialogID = resource id of DLOG resource.
dStorage = pointer to dialog record.
behind = window to insert in back of.
Exit: function result = pointer to new dialog record.
This routine is identical to the Dialog Manager routine GetNewDialog,
except it does not release or make purgeable the DLOG resource.
DialogPtr utl_GetNewDialog (short dialogID, Ptr dStorage,
WindowPtr behind)
Rect boundsRect; /* boundary rectangle */
short procID; /* window proc id */
Boolean visible; /* true if visible */
Boolean goAwayFlag; /* true if window has go away box */
long refCon; /* refCon field for window record */
Str255 title; /* window title */
Handle theRez; /* handle to DLOG resource */
short itemID; /* rsrc id of item list */
Handle items; /* handle to item list */
theRez = GetResource('DLOG', dialogID);
boundsRect = *(Rect*)(*theRez);
procID = *(short*)(*theRez+8);
visible = *(Boolean*)(*theRez+10);
goAwayFlag = *(Boolean*)(*theRez+12);
refCon = *(long*)(*theRez+14);
itemID = *(short*)(*theRez+18);
utl_CopyPString(&title, (Str255 *)(*theRez+20));
items = GetResource('DITL', itemID);
return NewDialog((DialogPeek)dStorage, &boundsRect, title, visible, procID, behind,
goAwayFlag, refCon, items);
utl_GetNewWindow - Get New Window.
Entry: windowID = resource id of WIND resource.
wStorage = pointer to window record.
behind = window to insert in back of.
Exit: function result = pointer to new window record.
This routine is identical to the Window Manager routine GetNewWindow,
except it does not release or make purgeable the WIND resource.
WindowPtr utl_GetNewWindow (short windowID, Ptr wStorage,
WindowPtr behind)
Rect boundsRect; /* boundary rectangle */
short procID; /* window proc id */
Boolean visible; /* true if visible */
Boolean goAwayFlag; /* true if window has go away box */
long refCon; /* refCon field for window record */
Str255 title; /* window title */
Handle theRez; /* handle to WIND resource */
theRez = GetResource('WIND', windowID);
boundsRect = *(Rect*)(*theRez);
procID = *(short*)(*theRez+8);
visible = *(Boolean*)(*theRez+10);
goAwayFlag = *(Boolean*)(*theRez+12);
refCon = *(long*)(*theRez+14);
utl_CopyPString(&title, (Str255 *)(*theRez+18));
return NewWindow((WindowPeek)wStorage, &boundsRect, title, visible, procID, behind,
goAwayFlag, refCon);
utl_GetSysVol - Get the volume reference number of the system volume.
Exit: function result = volume reference number of the volume
containing the currently active system file.
short utl_GetSysVol (void)
short vRefNum; /* vol ref num */
GetVRefNum(SysMap, &vRefNum);
return vRefNum;
utl_GetSysWD - Get WDRefNum of Blessed Folder.
Exit: function result = WDRefNum of Blessed Folder.
short utl_GetSysWD (void)
if (!GotSysEnviron) GetSysEnvirons();
return TheWorld.sysVRefNum;
utl_GetWindGD - Get the GDevice containing a window.
Entry: theWindow = pointer to window.
Exit: gd = handle to GDevice, or nil if no color QD.
screenRect = bounding rectangle of GDevice, or
qd.screenBits.bounds if no color QD.
windRect = content rectangle of window, in global
hasMB = true if this screen contains the menu bar.
The routine determines the GDevice (screen) containing the maximum
intersection with a window. See TN 79.
void utl_GetWindGD (WindowPtr theWindow, GDHandle *gd,
Rect *screenRect, Rect *windRect, Boolean *hasMB)
GrafPtr savePort; /* saved grafport */
Rect sectRect; /* intersection rect */
GDHandle curDevice; /* current GDevice */
GDHandle dominantDevice; /* dominant GDevice */
long sectArea; /* intersection area */
long maxArea; /* max intersection area */
*windRect = theWindow->portRect;
if (utl_HaveColor()) {
windRect->top -= titleBarHeight;
curDevice = GetDeviceList();
maxArea = 0;
dominantDevice = nil;
while (curDevice) {
if (TestDeviceAttribute(curDevice, screenDevice) &&
TestDeviceAttribute(curDevice, screenActive)) {
SectRect(windRect, &(**curDevice).gdRect, §Rect);
sectArea = (long)(sectRect.right - sectRect.left) *
(long)(sectRect.bottom - sectRect.top);
if (sectArea > maxArea) {
maxArea = sectArea;
dominantDevice = curDevice;
curDevice = GetNextDevice(curDevice);
windRect->top += titleBarHeight;
if (dominantDevice) {
*gd = dominantDevice;
*screenRect = (**dominantDevice).gdRect;
*hasMB = dominantDevice == GetMainDevice();
} else {
*gd = nil;
*screenRect = screenBits.bounds;
*hasMB = true;
} else {
*gd = nil;
*screenRect = screenBits.bounds;
*hasMB = true;
utl_GetVolFilCnt - Get the number of files on a volume.
Entry: volRefNum = volume reference number of volume.
Exit: function result = number of files on volume.
For serdver volumes this function always returns 0.
long utl_GetVolFilCnt (short volRefNum)
HParamBlockRec pBlock; /* param block for PHBGetVInfo */
pBlock.volumeParam.ioNamePtr = nil;
pBlock.volumeParam.ioVRefNum = volRefNum;
pBlock.volumeParam.ioVolIndex = 0;
(void) PBHGetVInfo(&pBlock, false);
return pBlock.volumeParam.ioVFilCnt;
utl_HaveColor - Determine if system has color QuickDraw.
Exit: function result = true if we have color QD.
Boolean utl_HaveColor (void)
if (!GotSysEnviron) GetSysEnvirons();
return TheWorld.hasColorQD;
utl_HaveSound - Determine if system has the Sound Manager.
Exit: function result = true if we have sound.
Boolean utl_HaveSound (void)
if (!GotSysEnviron) GetSysEnvirons();
return (TheWorld.systemVersion >= 0x0602);
utl_InitSpinCursor - Initialize animated cursor.
Entry: cursArray = array of handles to cursors.
numCurs = number of cursors to rotate.
tickInterval = interval between cursor rotations.
void utl_InitSpinCursor (CursHandle *cursArray, short numCurs,
short tickInterval)
CursHandle h;
CursArray = cursArray;
CurCurs = 0;
NumCurs = numCurs;
TickInterval = tickInterval;
LastTick = TickCount();
h = *cursArray;
utl_InvalGrow - Invalidate Grow Icon.
Entry: theWindow = pointer to window.
This routine should be called before and after calling SizeWindow
for windows with grow icons.
void utl_InvalGrow (WindowPtr theWindow)
Rect r; /* rect to be invalidated */
r = theWindow->portRect;
r.top = r.bottom - 15;
r.left = r.right - 15;
utl_IsDAWindow - Check to see if a window is a DA.
Entry: theWindow = pointer to dialog window.
Exit: function result = true if DA window.
Boolean utl_IsDAWindow (WindowPtr theWindow)
return ((WindowPeek)theWindow)->windowKind < 0;
utl_IsLaser - Check Printer for LaserWriter.
Entry: hPrint = handle to print record.
Exit: function result = true if LaserWriter.
Boolean utl_IsLaser (THPrint hPrint)
unsigned char wDev; /* printer device */
wDev = (**hPrint).prStl.wDev >> 8;
return wDev==3 || wDev==4;
utl_LockControls - Lock Window Controls
Entry: theWindow = pointer to window.
This routine moves all the control records in a window high and
locks them. It should be called immediately after creating a new
window, and before drawing it. It works around errors in the Control
Manager which showed up when I was testing with TMON's heap scramble and
purge option.
void utl_LockControls (WindowPtr theWindow)
ControlHandle theControl; /* handle to control */
theControl = ((WindowPeek)theWindow)->controlList;
while (theControl) {
theControl = (**theControl).nextControl;
utl_PlotSmallIcon - Draw a small icon.
Entry: theRect = rectangle in which to draw the small icon.
theHandle = handle to small icon.
For best results, the rectangle should be exactly 16 pixels square.
void utl_PlotSmallIcon (Rect *theRect, Handle theHandle)
BitMap srcBits; /* Source bitmap for CopyBits */
srcBits.baseAddr = *theHandle;
srcBits.rowBytes = 2;
SetRect(&srcBits.bounds, 0, 0, 16, 16);
CopyBits(&srcBits, &thePort->portBits, &srcBits.bounds, theRect,
srcCopy, nil);
utl_PlugParams - Plug parameters into message.
Entry: line1 = input line.
p0, p1, p2, p3 = parameters.
Exit: line2 = output line.
This routine works just like the toolbox routine ParamText.
The input line may contain place-holders ^0, ^1, ^2, and ^3,
which are replaced by the parameters p0-p3. The input line
must not contain any other ^ characters. The input and output lines
may not be the same string. Pass nil for parameters which don't
occur in line1. If the output line exceeds 255 characters it's
void utl_PlugParams (Str255 *line1, Str255 *line2, Str255 *p0,
Str255 *p1, Str255 *p2, Str255 *p3)
unsigned char *in; /* pointer to cur pos in input line */
unsigned char *out; /* pointer to cur pos in output line */
unsigned char *inEnd; /* pointer to end of input line */
unsigned char *outEnd; /* pointer to end of output line */
unsigned char *param; /* pointer to param to be plugged */
short len; /* length of param */
in = (unsigned char *)line1 + 1;
out = (unsigned char *)line2 + 1;
inEnd = in + (*line1)[0];
outEnd = out + 256;
while (in < inEnd ) {
if (*in == '^') {
if (in >= inEnd) break;
switch (*in++) {
case '0':
param = (unsigned char *)p0;
case '1':
param = (unsigned char *)p1;
case '2':
param = (unsigned char *)p2;
case '3':
param = (unsigned char *)p3;
param = nil;
if (!param) continue;
len = *param;
if (out + len > outEnd) len = outEnd - out;
memcpy(out, param+1, len);
out += len;
} else {
if (out >= outEnd) break;
*out++ = *in++;
(*line2)[0] = out - ((unsigned char *)line2 + 1);
utl_RestoreWindowPos - Restore Window Position.
Entry: theWindow = pointer to window.
userState = saved user state rectangle for the window.
zoomed = true if window in zoomed state when saved.
offset = pixel offset used in DragRect calls.
computeStdState = pointer to function to compute standard state.
computeDefState = pointer to function to compute default state.
Exit: window position, size, and zoom state restored.
userState = new user state.
See HIN 6: "When reopening a movable window, check its saved
position. If the window is in a position to which the user could
have dragged it, then leave it there. If the window can be zoomed
and was in the zoomed state when it was last closed, put it in the
zoomed state again. (Note that the current and previous zoomed states
are not necessarily the same, since the window may be reopened on a
different monitor.) If the window is not in a position to which the
user could have dragged it, then it must be relocated, so use the
default location. However, do not automatically use the default size
when using the default location; if the entire window would be visible
using the default location and stored size, then use the stored size."
The "offset" parameter is usually 4. When initializing the boundary rectangle
for DragWindow calls, normally the boundary rectangle of the desktop gray
region is inset by 4 pixels. If some value other than 4 is used, it should
be passed to RestoreWindowPos as the "offset" parameter.
The computeStdState function is passed a pointer to the window. Given
the userState in the window zoom info, it must compute the standard
(zoom) state in the window zoom info. This is an application-dependent
The computeDefState function must determine the default position and
size of a new window, and return the result as a rectangle. This may
involve invocation of a staggering algorithm or some other algorithm.
This is an application-dependent function.
void utl_RestoreWindowPos (WindowPtr theWindow, Rect *userState,
Boolean zoomed, short offset,
utl_ComputeStdStatePtr computeStdState,
utl_ComputeDefStatePtr computeDefState)
WindowPeek w; /* window pointer */
short userHeight; /* height of userState */
short userWidth; /* width of userState */
Rect r; /* scratch rectangle */
RgnHandle rgn; /* scratch region */
Rect stdState; /* standard state */
short windHeight; /* window height */
short windWidth; /* window width */
w = (WindowPeek)theWindow;
if (!utl_CouldDrag(userState, offset)) {
userHeight = userState->bottom - userState->top;
userWidth = userState->right - userState->left;
(*computeDefState)(theWindow, userState);
if (!zoomed) {
r = *userState;
r.bottom = r.top + userHeight;
r.right = r.left + userWidth;
r.top -= titleBarHeight;
InsetRect(&r, -1, -1);
rgn = NewRgn();
RectRgn(rgn, &r);
DiffRgn(rgn, GrayRgn, rgn);
if (EmptyRgn(rgn)) {
userState->bottom = userState->top + userHeight;
userState->right = userState->left + userWidth;
MoveWindow(theWindow, userState->left, userState->top, false);
windHeight = userState->bottom - userState->top;
windWidth = userState->right - userState->left;
SizeWindow(theWindow, windWidth, windHeight, true);
if (w->dataHandle && w->spareFlag) {
(**((WStateData**)w->dataHandle)).userState = *userState;
if (zoomed) {
stdState = (**((WStateData**)w->dataHandle)).stdState;
MoveWindow(theWindow, stdState.left, stdState.top, false);
windHeight = stdState.bottom - stdState.top;
windWidth = stdState.right - stdState.left;
SizeWindow(theWindow, windWidth, windHeight, true);
utl_Rom64 - Check to see if we have the old 64K ROM.
Exit: function result = true if 64K ROM.
Boolean utl_Rom64 (void)
return ROM85 < 0;
utl_RFSanity - Check a Resource File's Sanity.
Entry: *fName = file name.
Exit: *sane = true if resource fork is sane.
function result = error code.
This routine checks the sanity of a resource file. The Resource Manager
does not do error checking, and can bomb or hang if you use it to open
a damaged resource file. This routine can be called first to precheck
the file.
The routine checks the entire resource map.
It is the caller's responsibility to set the proper default volume and
OSErr utl_RFSanity (Str255 *fName, Boolean *sane)
ParamBlockRec fBlock; /* file param block */
short refNum; /* file refnum */
long count; /* number of bytes to read */
long logEOF; /* logical EOF */
Ptr map; /* pointer to resource map */
unsigned long dataLWA; /* offset in file of data end */
unsigned long mapLWA; /* offset in file of map end */
unsigned short typeFWA; /* offset from map begin to type list */
unsigned short nameFWA; /* offset from map begin to name list */
unsigned char *pType; /* pointer into type list */
unsigned char *pName; /* pointer to start of name list */
unsigned char *pMapEnd; /* pointer to end of map */
short nType; /* number of resource types in map */
unsigned char *pTypeEnd; /* pointer to end of type list */
short nRes; /* number of resources of given type */
unsigned short refFWA; /* offset from type list to ref list */
unsigned char *pRef; /* pointer into reference list */
unsigned char *pRefEnd; /* pointer to end of reference list */
unsigned short resNameFWA; /* offset from name list to resource name */
unsigned char *pResName; /* pointer to resource name */
unsigned long resDataFWA; /* offset from data begin to resource data */
Boolean mapOK; /* true if map is sane */
OSErr rCode; /* error code */
struct {
unsigned long dataFWA; /* offset in file of data */
unsigned long mapFWA; /* offset in file of map */
unsigned long dataLen; /* data area length */
unsigned long mapLen; /* map area length */
} header;
/* Open the resource file. */
fBlock.ioParam.ioNamePtr = (StringPtr)fName;
fBlock.ioParam.ioVRefNum = 0;
fBlock.ioParam.ioVersNum = 0;
fBlock.ioParam.ioPermssn = fsRdPerm;
fBlock.ioParam.ioMisc = nil;
if (rCode = PBOpenRF(&fBlock, false)) {
if (rCode == fnfErr) {
*sane = true;
return noErr;
} else {
return rCode;
/* Get the logical eof of the file. */
refNum = fBlock.ioParam.ioRefNum;
if (rCode = GetEOF(refNum, &logEOF)) return rCode;
if (!logEOF) {
*sane = true;
if (rCode = FSClose(refNum)) return rCode;
return noErr;
/* Read and validate the resource header. */
count = 16;
if (rCode = FSRead(refNum, &count, (Ptr)&header)) {
return rCode;
dataLWA = header.dataFWA + header.dataLen;
mapLWA = header.mapFWA + header.mapLen;
mapOK = count == 16 && header.mapLen > 28 &&
header.dataFWA < 0x01000000 && header.mapFWA < 0x01000000 &&
dataLWA <= logEOF && mapLWA <= logEOF &&
(dataLWA <= header.mapFWA || mapLWA <= header.dataFWA);
/* Read the resource map. */
map = nil;
if (mapOK) {
map = NewPtr(header.mapLen);
if (!(rCode = SetFPos(refNum, fsFromStart, header.mapFWA))) {
count = header.mapLen;
rCode = FSRead(refNum, &count, map);
/* Verify the type list and name list offsets. */
if (!rCode) {
typeFWA = *(unsigned short*)(map+24);
nameFWA = *(unsigned short*)(map+26);
mapOK = typeFWA == 28 && nameFWA >= typeFWA && nameFWA <= header.mapLen &&
!(typeFWA & 1) && !(nameFWA & 1);
/* Verify the type list, reference lists, and name list. */
if (mapOK) {
pType = (unsigned char *)map + typeFWA;
pName = (unsigned char *)map + nameFWA;
pMapEnd = (unsigned char *)map + header.mapLen;
nType = *(short*)pType + 1;
pType += 2;
pTypeEnd = pType + (nType<<3);
if (mapOK = pTypeEnd <= pMapEnd) {
while (pType < pTypeEnd) {
nRes = *(short*)(pType+4) + 1;
refFWA = *(unsigned short*)(pType+6);
pRef = (unsigned char *)map + typeFWA + refFWA;
pRefEnd = pRef + 12*nRes;
if (!(mapOK = pRef >= pTypeEnd && pRef < pName &&
!(refFWA & 1))) break;
while (pRef < pRefEnd) {
resNameFWA = *(unsigned short*)(pRef+2);
if (resNameFWA != 0xFFFF) {
pResName = pName + resNameFWA;
if (!(mapOK = pResName + *pResName < pMapEnd)) break;
resDataFWA = *(unsigned long*)(pRef+4) & 0x00FFFFFF;
if (!(mapOK = header.dataFWA + resDataFWA < dataLWA)) break;
pRef += 12;
if (!mapOK) break;
pType += 8;
/* Dispose of the resource map, close the file and return. */
if (map) DisposPtr(map);
if (!rCode) {
rCode = FSClose(refNum);
} else {
(void) FSClose(refNum);
*sane = mapOK;
return rCode;
utl_SaveWindowPos - Save Window Position.
Entry: theWindow = window pointer.
Exit: userState = user state rectangle of the window.
zoomed = true if window zoomed.
See HIN 6: "Before closing a movable window, check to see if its
location or size have changed. If so, save the new location and
size. If the window can be zoomed, save the user state and also
save whether or not the window is in the zoomed (standard) sate."
We assume in this routine that the caller has already kept track
of the fact that this window's location or size has changed, and that
we do indeed need to save the location and size.
This routine only works if the window's origin has not been offset.
void utl_SaveWindowPos (WindowPtr theWindow, Rect *userState, Boolean *zoomed)
GrafPtr savedPort; /* saved grafport */
WindowPeek w; /* window pointer */
Rect curState; /* current window rect, global coords */
Rect stdState; /* standard (zoom) rect, global coords */
Point p; /* scratch point */
Rect r; /* scratch rect */
SetPt(&p, 0, 0);
curState = theWindow->portRect;
OffsetRect(&curState, p.h, p.v);
w = (WindowPeek)theWindow;
if (w->dataHandle && w->spareFlag) {
/* This window supports zooming */
/* Determine if window is zoomed. The criteria is that both the
top left and bottom right corners of the current window rectangle
and the standard (zoom) rectangle must be within 7 pixels of each
other. This is the same algorithm as the one used by the standard
system window definition function. */
*zoomed = false;
stdState = (**((WStateData**)w->dataHandle)).stdState;
SetPt(&p, curState.left, curState.top);
SetRect(&r, stdState.left, stdState.top, stdState.left, stdState.top);
InsetRect(&r, -7, -7);
if (PtInRect(p, &r)) {
SetPt(&p, curState.right, curState.bottom);
SetRect(&r, stdState.right, stdState.bottom, stdState.right,
InsetRect(&r, -7, -7);
*zoomed = PtInRect(p, &r);
if (*zoomed) {
*userState = (**((WStateData**)w->dataHandle)).userState;
} else {
*userState = curState;
} else {
/* This window does not support zooming. */
*zoomed = false;
*userState = curState;
utl_ScaleFontSize - Scale Font Size
Entry: fontNum = font number.
fontSize = nominal font size.
percent = percent change in size.
laser = true if laserwriter.
Exit: function result = scaled font size.
The nominal font size is multiplied by the percentage,
then truncated. For non-laserwriters it is then rounded down
to the nearest font size which is available in that true size,
without font manager scaling, or which can be generated by doubling
an existing font size.
short utl_ScaleFontSize (short fontNum, short fontSize, short percent,
Boolean laser)
short nSize; /* new size */
short x; /* new test size */
nSize = fontSize * percent / 100;
if (!laser) {
x = nSize;
while (x > 0) {
if (RealFont(fontNum, x)) break;
if (!(x&1) && RealFont(fontNum, x>>1)) break;
if (x) nSize = x;
return nSize;
utl_SpinCursor - Animate cursor.
After calling InitSpinCursor to initialize an animated cursor, call
SpinCursor periodically to make the cursor animate.
void utl_SpinCursor (void)
CursHandle h; /* handle to cursor */
long ticksNow; /* current tick count */
ticksNow = TickCount();
if (ticksNow < LastTick + TickInterval) return;
LastTick = ticksNow;
if (CurCurs >= NumCurs) CurCurs = 0;
h = CursArray[CurCurs];
utl_StaggerWindow - Stagger a New Window
Entry: windRect = window portrect.
initialOffset = intitial pixel offset of window from corner.
offset = offset for subsequent staggered windows.
Exit: pos = window position.
According to HIN 6, a new window should be positioned as follows:
"The first document window should be positioned in the upper-left corner
of the gray area of the main screen (the screen with the menu bar).
Each additional independent window should be staggered from the upper-left
corner of the screen that contains the largest portion of the
frontmost window." Also, "When a window is used or closed, its original
position becomes available again. The next window opened should use this
position. Similarly, if a window is moved onto a previously available
position, that position becomes unavailable again."
This routine implements these rules. A position is considered to be
"unavailable" if some other window is within (offset+1)/2 pixels of the
position in both the vertical and horizontal directions.
If all slots are occupied, the routine attempts to locate the first one
which is occupied by only one other window. If this attempt fails, it
tries to locate one which is occupied by only two other windows, etc.
Thus, if the screen is filled with staggered windows, subsequent windows
will be staggered on top of the existing ones, forming a second "layer."
If this layer fills up, a third layer is started, etc.
void utl_StaggerWindow (Rect *windRect, short initialOffset, short offset,
Point *pos)
GrafPtr savedPort; /* saved grafport */
short offsetDiv2; /* offset/2 */
short windHeight; /* window height */
short windWidth; /* window width */
WindowPtr frontWind; /* pointer to front window */
GDHandle gd; /* GDevice */
Rect screenRect; /* screen rectangle */
Rect junkRect; /* window rectangle */
Boolean hasMB; /* true if screen has menu bar */
Point initPos; /* initial staggered window position */
Point curPos; /* current staggered window position */
WindowPtr curWind; /* pointer to current window */
Point windPos; /* current window position */
short deltaH; /* horizontal distance */
short deltaV; /* vertical distance */
short layer; /* layer number */
short nOccupied; /* number windows occupying cur pos */
Boolean noPos; /* true if no position is on screen */
offsetDiv2 = (offset+1)>>1;
windHeight = windRect->bottom - windRect->top;
windWidth = windRect->right - windRect->left;
frontWind = FrontWindow();
if (frontWind) {
utl_GetWindGD(frontWind, &gd, &screenRect, &junkRect, &hasMB);
} else {
screenRect = screenBits.bounds;
hasMB = true;
if (hasMB) screenRect.top += utl_GetMBarHeight();
SetPt(&initPos, screenRect.left + initialOffset + 1,
screenRect.top + initialOffset + titleBarHeight);
layer = 1;
while (true) {
/* Test each layer number "layer", starting with 1 and incrementing by 1.
Break out of the loop when we find a position curPos which
is "occupied" by fewer than "layer" other windows. */
curPos = initPos;
noPos = true;
while (true) {
/* Test each possible position curPos. Break out of the loop
when we have exhaused the possible positions, or when we
have located one which has < layer "occupants". */
curWind = frontWind;
if (curPos.v + windHeight >= screenRect.bottom ||
curPos.h + windWidth >= screenRect.right) {
noPos = false;
nOccupied = 0;
while (curWind) {
/* Scan the window list and count up how many of them "occupy"
the current location curPos. Break out of the loop when
we reach the end of the list, or when the count is >=
layer. */
SetPt(&windPos, 0, 0);
deltaH = curPos.h - windPos.h;
deltaV = curPos.v - windPos.v;
if (deltaH < 0) deltaH = -deltaH;
if (deltaV < 0) deltaV = -deltaV;
if (deltaH <= offsetDiv2 && deltaV <= offsetDiv2) {
if (nOccupied >= layer) break;
curWind = (WindowPtr)(((WindowPeek)curWind)->nextWindow);
if (!curWind) break;
curPos.h += offset;
curPos.v += offset;
if (!curWind || noPos) break;
*pos = curPos;
CancelFilter - Command Period Dialog Filter Proc.
Entry: theDialog = pointer to dialog record.
theEvent = pointer to event record.
Exit: if command-period or escape typed:
function result = true.
itemHit = item number of cancel button.
else if user specified a filterProc on the call to
user's filterProc called, function result and itemHit
returned by user's filterProc.
function result = false.
itemHit = undefined.
static pascal Boolean CancelFilter (DialogPtr theDialog,
EventRecord *theEvent, short *itemHit)
short key; /* ascii code of key pressed */
if (theEvent->what != keyDown && theEvent->what != autoKey) {
if (Filter) {
return (*Filter)(theDialog, theEvent, itemHit);
} else {
return false;
} else {
key = theEvent->message & charCodeMask;
if (key == escapeKey) {
*itemHit = CancelItem;
utl_FlashButton(theDialog, CancelItem);
return true;
} else if ((theEvent->modifiers & cmdKey) &&
(key == '.')) {
*itemHit = CancelItem;
utl_FlashButton(theDialog, CancelItem);
return true;
} else if (Filter) {
return (*Filter)(theDialog, theEvent, itemHit);
} else if (key == returnKey || key==enterKey) {
*itemHit = 1;
utl_FlashButton(theDialog, 1);
return true;
} else {
return false;
utl_StopAlert - Present Stop Alert
Entry: alertID = resource id of alert.
filterProc = pointer to filter proc.
cancelItem = item number of cancel button, or 0 if
Exit: function result = item number
This routine is identical to the Dialog Manager routine StopAlert,
except that it centers the alert on the main window, and if requested,
command/period or the Escape key is treated the same as a click on the
Cancel button.
short utl_StopAlert (short alertID, ModalFilterProcPtr filterProc,
short cancelItem)
Handle h; /* handle to alert resource */
short result; /* function result */
h = GetResource('ALRT', alertID);
utl_CenterDlogRect(*(Rect**)h, false);
if (cancelItem) {
Filter = filterProc;
CancelItem = cancelItem;
result = StopAlert(alertID, (ProcPtr)CancelFilter);
} else {
result = StopAlert(alertID, filterProc);
return result;
utl_SysHasNotMgr - Check to See if System has Notification Manager.
Exit: function result = true if system has Notification
The system version must be >= 6.0.
Boolean utl_SysHasNotMgr (void)
if (!GotSysEnviron) GetSysEnvirons();
return TheWorld.systemVersion >= 0x0600;
utl_SysHasPopUp - Check to See if System has Popup Menus.
Exit: function result = true if system has popup menus.
The system version must be >= 4.1, the machine must have the 128 ROM or
later, and the PopUpMenuSelect trap must exist.
Boolean utl_SysHasPopUp (void)
if (!GotSysEnviron) GetSysEnvirons();
if ((TheWorld.systemVersion < 0x0410) || (TheWorld.machineType == envMac)) {
return false;
} else {
return NGetTrapAddress(_PopUpMenuSelect & 0x3ff, ToolTrap) !=
NGetTrapAddress(_Unimplemented & 0x3ff, ToolTrap);
utl_VolIsMFS - Test for MFS volume.
Entry: vRefNum = volume reference number.
Exit: function result = true if volume is MFS.
Boolean utl_VolIsMFS (short vRefNum)
HParamBlockRec vBlock; /* vol info param block */
vBlock.volumeParam.ioNamePtr = nil;
vBlock.volumeParam.ioVolIndex = 0;
vBlock.volumeParam.ioVRefNum = vRefNum;
vBlock.volumeParam.ioVSigWord = 0xd2d7; /* in case we don't have HFS */
(void) PBHGetVInfo(&vBlock, false);
return vBlock.volumeParam.ioVSigWord == 0xd2d7;
utl_WaitNextEvent - Get Next Event.
Entry: eventMask = event mask.
sleep = sleep interval.
mouseRgn = mouse region.
Exit: theEvent = the next event.
function result = true if event to be processed.
This routine calls WaitNextEvent if the trap exists, otherwise it
calls GetNextEvent.
If GetNextEvent is called, the sleep and mouseRgn parameters are
ignored. SystemTask is also called.
This routine also saves and restores the current grafport. This is
necessary to protect against some GetNextEvent trap patches which change
the grafport without restoring it (e.g., the Flex screen saver).
Boolean utl_WaitNextEvent (short eventMask, EventRecord *theEvent,
long sleep, RgnHandle mouseRgn)
GrafPtr curPort; /* pointer to current grafport */
Boolean result; /* function result */
static short wne = 2; /* 0 if WaitNextEvent does not exist
1 if WaitNextEvent exists
2 if we don't yet know (first call) */
/* Find out whether the WaitNextEvent trap is implemented if this is
the first call. */
if (wne == 2) {
if (!GotSysEnviron) GetSysEnvirons();
if (TheWorld.machineType < 0) {
wne = false;
} else {
wne = (NGetTrapAddress(_WaitNextEvent & 0x3ff, ToolTrap) ==
NGetTrapAddress(_Unimplemented & 0x3ff, ToolTrap)) ? 0 : 1;
/* Save the port, call the trap, and restore the port. */
if (wne) {
result = WaitNextEvent(eventMask, theEvent, sleep, mouseRgn);
} else {
result = GetNextEvent(eventMask, theEvent);
return result;